Thursday, February 16, 2012

Research use

EEG, and the accompanying abstraction of ERPs are acclimated abundantly in neuroscience, cerebral science, cerebral psychology, and psychophysiological research. Many EEG techniques acclimated in analysis are not connected abundantly for analytic use.

A altered adjustment to abstraction academician action is anatomic alluring resonance imaging (fMRI). Some advantages of EEG over fMRI include:

Hardware costs are decidedly lower

EEG sensors can be acclimated in added places than a bulky, anchored fMRI apparatus can

EEG has college banausic resolution - milliseconds, rather than seconds

EEG is almost advanced of accountable movement (in fMRI the accountable accept to abide absolutely still)

EEG is silent, which allows for bigger abstraction of the responses to audition stimuli

EEG does not aggravate claustrophobia

EEG does not absorb acknowledgment to high-intensity (>1 Tesla) alluring fields (as in MRI)

In addition, EEG does not absorb acknowledgment to radioligands (unlike positron discharge tomography)

Disadvantages of EEG about to fMRI include:

Decidedly lower spatial resolution

ERP studies crave almost simple paradigms, compared with block-design fMRI studies

Simultaneous EEG recordings and fMRI scans accept been acquired successfully, admitting acknowledged accompanying recording requires that several abstruse difficulties be overcome, such as the attendance of ballistocardiographic artifact, MRI beating antiquity and the consecration of electrical currents in EEG affairs that move aural the able alluring fields of the MRI.

Another adjustment of top banausic resolution is magnetoencephalography, which allowances from the abridgement of arrest by the skull, but it has low spatial resolution and requires big-ticket and beefy accessories consisting of aqueous helium-cooled detectors that can be acclimated alone in magnetically cloistral rooms.

EEG aswell has some characteristics that analyze agreeably with behavioral testing:

EEG can ascertain buried processing (i.e., processing that does not crave a response)

EEG can be acclimated in capacity who are butterfingers of authoritative a motor response

Some ERP apparatus can be detected even if the accountable is not accessory to the stimuli

Clashing added agency of belief acknowledgment time, ERPs can annotate stages of processing (rather than just the final end result)

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