Thursday, February 16, 2012


Biological artifacts

Electrical signals detected forth the attic by an EEG, but that arise from non-cerebral agent are alleged artifacts. EEG abstracts is about consistently attenuated by such artifacts. The amplitude of artifacts can be absolutely ample about to the admeasurement of amplitude of the cortical signals of interest. This is one of the affidavit why it takes ample acquaintance to accurately adapt EEGs clinically. Some of the a lot of accepted types of biological artifacts include:

Eye-induced artifacts (includes eye blinks, eye movements and extra-ocular beef activity)

ECG (cardiac) artifacts

EMG (muscle activation)-induced artifacts

Glossokinetic artifacts

The a lot of arresting eye-induced artifacts are acquired by the abeyant aberration amid the cornea and retina, which is absolutely ample compared to bookish potentials. When the eyes and eyelids are absolutely still, this corneo-retinal dipole does not affect EEG. However, blinks action several times per minute, the eyes movements action several times per second. Eyelid movements, occurring mostly during blinking or vertical eye movements, arm-twist a ample abeyant apparent mostly in the aberration amid the Electrooculography (EOG) channels aloft and beneath the eyes. An accustomed account of this abeyant commendations the eyelids as sliding electrodes that circumlocute the absolutely answerable cornea to the extra-ocular skin.2526 Rotation of the eyeballs, and appropriately of the corneo-retinal dipole, increases the abeyant in electrodes appear which the eyes are rotated, and abatement the potentials in the opposing electrodes.27 Eye movements alleged saccades aswell accomplish brief electromyographic potentials, accepted as saccadic fasten potentials (SPs).28 The spectrum of these SPs overlaps the gamma-band (see Gamma wave), and actively confounds assay of induced gamma-band responses,29 acute tailored antiquity alteration approaches.28 Purposeful or automatic eye blinking aswell generates electromyographic potentials, but added chiefly there is automatic movement of the eyeball during blinking that gives a appropriate artifactual actualization of the EEG (see Bell's phenomenon).

Eyelid aerial artifacts of a appropriate blazon were ahead alleged Kappa accent (or Kappa waves). It is usually apparent in the prefrontal leads, that is, just over the eyes. Sometimes they are apparent with brainy activity. They are usually in the Theta (4–7 Hz) or Alpha (8–13 Hz) range. They were alleged because they were believed to arise from the brain. Later abstraction appear they were generated by accelerated aerial of the eyelids, sometimes so minute that it was difficult to see. They are in actuality babble in the EEG reading, and should not technically be alleged a accent or wave. Therefore, accepted acceptance in electroencephalography refers to the abnormality as an eyelid aerial artifact, rather than a Kappa accent (or wave).30

Some of these artifacts can be advantageous in assorted applications. The EOG signals, for instance, can be acclimated to detect28 and clue eye-movements, which are actual important in polysomnography, and is aswell in accepted EEG for assessing accessible changes in alertness, blackout or sleep.

EKG artifacts are absolutely accepted and can be mistaken for fasten activity. Because of this, avant-garde EEG accretion frequently includes a one-channel EKG from the extremities. This aswell allows the EEG to analyze cardiac arrhythmias that are an important cogwheel assay to blackout or added episodic/attack disorders.

Glossokinetic artifacts are acquired by the abeyant aberration amid the abject and the tip of the tongue. Minor argot movements can alloy the EEG, abnormally in parkinsonian and agitation disorders.

edit Environmental artifacts

In accession to artifacts generated by the body, abounding artifacts arise from alfresco the body. Movement by the patient, or even just clearing of the electrodes, may could could could cause electrode pops, spikes basic from a cursory change in the impedance of a accustomed electrode. Poor accomplishments of the EEG electrodes can could could could cause cogent 50 or 60 Hz artifact, depending on the bounded ability system's frequency. A third antecedent of accessible arrest can be the attendance of an IV drip; such accessories can could could could cause rhythmic, fast, low-voltage bursts, which may be abashed for spikes.

edit Antiquity correction

Recently, absolute basic assay techniques accept been acclimated to actual or abolish EEG contaminates.2831323334 These techniques attack to "unmix" the EEG signals into some amount of basal components. There are abounding antecedent break algorithms, generally bold assorted behaviors or natures of EEG. Regardless, the assumption abaft any accurate adjustment usually acquiesce "remixing" alone those apparatus that would aftereffect in "clean" EEG by adverse (zeroing) the weight of exceptionable components. Fully automatic antiquity bounce methods, which use ICA, accept aswell been developed.35

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